As Building Tomorrow (BT) wraps up its first full year as an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we have much to be excited about. The year has been a largely successful one with great growth throughout our university chapter network, the start of construction on two new BT Academies in Uganda and the right elements in place for us to expand our reach both in the USA and sub-Saharan Africa in the years ahead.
Here are some of the organization’s most notable highlights both in the Untied States and in Uganda:
(For a PDF Version of this report, click here.)
-More than $24,000 raised by our University of Notre Dame chapter in their first three months of fundraising activities. The chapter has crafted several different events including game day Saturday face painting booths, dorm-wide silent auctions and a buy a brick campaign held in the Student Union.
-The Second Annual Big Event sponsored by our UW-River Falls chapter which raised thousands of dollars and featured Grammy-nominated artist Shawn Mullins in an all-day concert on the university’s campus.
-More than $32,000 raised by Key Club International for the construction of The Building Tomorrow Academy of Bembe. A group of 11 Key Club representatives traveled to Uganda in September 2007 and worked alongside local community members to lay the foundation stones for the new school.
-Our Davidson College chapter finished fifth place in the nationwide Grab Life, Give Life competition sponsored by Dodge. Davidson’s cause of building a school through BT netted 10,215 supporting votes from not only Davidson students, but peers all over the USA. For their extraordinarily strong showing, Dodge awarded our Davidson chapter $1,000.
-The First Annual Race to Uganda, a 7,500 mile bike ride between our William & Mary and University of Virginia chapters which raised over $13,500 and was featured in several local magazines, newspapers, and on radio and TV stations.
-Our Indiana University chapter winning the 2007 Metz Grant from the Indiana University Student Foundation, providing $5,000 towards the chapter’s school-building efforts.
-A newly developed partnership between the School of Architecture and School of Engineering at the University of Virginia, allowing ten students the opportunity to earn academic credit while drafting the site design for a future BT Academy sponsored by the students of UVA.
-The $2 Builds-a-School campaign at Boston University, attempting to enlist a $2 donation from every BU student, which would raise enough money for a new school in Uganda. Not only has the effort raised thousands of dollars, it has helped recruit younger undergraduates to get involved with chapter efforts.
-Students at James Madison University, Georgetown University and Duke University have either completed or are near completing the necessary paperwork to become an official student organization and begin their efforts to raise $35,000.
-The University of Denver chapter, our only one West of the Mississippi, has raised nearly $7,000 since beginning their efforts this past summer. Their work has been featured extensively on the university’s Website and in the university’s newspaper.
-Our move to awesome office space at the old School No. 9 in downtown Indianapolis donated by the great people at Young & Laramore.
-Hiring two summer interns who provided an amazing amount of operational support and allowed BT to explore new partnerships, enhance existing ones and ultimately offer more services to our collegiate chapter network.
-Receiving an Echoing Green Fellowship which will provide organizational funding and support to BT through 2009 and recognition as one of the top ‘up and coming’ social change organizations.
-Beginning construction of The Building Tomorrow Academies of Bembe and Buwasa, scheduled to open in February 2008, serving a total of 325 students at each location.
-An in-kind contribution of over 17 tons of cement by Hima Cement to be used for the construction of The Building Tomorrow Academy of Bembe.
-Partnerships with a growing number of district governments who are agreeing to support BT through the provision of teacher salaries, meaning more children will gain access to learning inside a BT classroom in 2008.
-Country Director Mr. Joseph Kalisa visited the United States for the first time, attending a non-profit conference in Boston, MA, visiting our US office and speaking about BT’s work in Uganda at our UVA, W&M, Notre Dame and Indiana University chapters.
-Press coverage in The Daily Monitor, The New Vision, the Ugandan Broadcasting Station and several national radio stations.
-A significant three-year investment in BT’s infrastructure needs that will allow the organization to open a formal office, develop a profit-generating business model, hire additional in-country staff and maintain a vehicle for site visits.
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