Plans Take Shape for New BT Academy


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In line with Building Tomorrow’s (BT) goal of opening classrooms for 1,000 children by the start of 2008, BT is proud to announce the planned groundbreaking of the BT Academy of Bembe this July. Located about 45km outside of Kampala’s city center, the academy will serve approximately 350 students, none of whom currently have access to formal schooling.

The Academy is scheduled to be completed and open at the start of the 2008 academic year, which begins in mid-January. The funds needed for the sponsorship of the new Academy have been raised by Key Club International.

Blueprints for the BT Academy of Bembe call for seven classrooms, an office, library, enclosed school yard and bathroom facilities. The Academy will be located on a 3.2 acre plot acquired by BT, a site that is suitable for an expansion of school services to offer vocational training in agriculture.

BT’s model calls upon the local community to become actively involved in the construction process. Several meetings have already been held with local officials and the community has pledged to perform in-kind labor and provide materials worth approximately 12 million Ugandan shillings (roughly $7100 USD). Community members will mobilize during the first week of July to begin clearing the land of trees and shrubs in preparation for construction crews to commence their work. The Wakiso District Council has pledged to fund teacher salaries once the Academy opens.

Key Club International, the world’s largest high school service organization, raised more than $32,000 through Key Club Week activities in November of 2006. Through the ‘Empty Your Pokets, Make Change’ campaign, the organization’s 250,000 members raised enough money for the construction of the BT Academy of Bembe. Key Club will make an official check presentation to BT at their international convention this July in Orlando, Fla.

Building Tomorrow is an international non-profit organization encouraging philanthropy among young people by empowering them to raise awareness and funds to build and support educational infrastructure projects benefiting vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa. BT currently works in the central region of Uganda and is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. For more information, please visit our website at or email us at

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