The gang in Kyeitabya continued their hard work on the new Building Tomorrow Academy today. The day consisted of two major construction tasks. In the morning all 9 of the group members went on a 4 mile walk to retrieve the massive wooden tree trunks that make up the base of the temporary shelter for bricks, which are being made daily. The group enlisted the help of community members, who were eager to help carry the large supports back to the construction camp. The temporary shelter is really taking shape now- according to the group. We’ll try to upload some pictures as soon as we can get them.
Aside from construction of the temporary shelter, the group was busy laying down the layout of the foundation for the back wall of the school. Everything already seems to be coming full circle and the construction is kicking into high gear. The footprints of the classrooms are becoming visible and architecture students had discussions with community members about the dimensions and measurements of the school. A few members of the group, Melia and Mallory, were taught by community members how to lay the bricks for the foundation.
The group also engaged in the luxurious task of doing laundry! They used water from a nearby bore hole and cleaned clothes for part of the day.
To wind down from the long day of manual labor, Chelsey led the group in a short yoga routine. Reports from the group say the food is great and they have been having lengthy and ‘intense debates’ on topics ranging from Disney movies to immigration. Everyone seems to be having a great time and enjoying the experience.
Check back tomorrow for more group updates.
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