Drum Roll Please…


BT Nation, get excited, because earlier this week, Building Tomorrow officially joined forces with an awesome organization called One Day’s Wages. Through this partnership we will build another BT academy in Uganda and provide 325 more students with a primary education each year.

One Day’s Wages is an organization with a truly inspirational mission that stems from the selfless example of their founder. In October of 2009, Eugene Cho and his family made the life-changing decision to donate their entire year’s salary to charity. The Cho family wanted make a difference as individuals, but also wanted to inspire others to respond to the needs surrounding them. They believe that if everyone works one day out of the year for a cause greater than themselves – giving that day’s salary to abolish extreme poverty – the effect can be immense. With that mindset, they have gained a strong support-base as a grassroots movement dedicated to ending global poverty. In their largest matching grant to date, One Day’s Wages has committed to work with their network and our BTers to raise $30,000 towards our cause. They will then match that amount, funding the construction of an entire primary academy with $60,000.

One thing we love about One Day’ Wages is their philosophy that “we don’t have to be rock stars, billionaires, or famous. We can all make an impact.” As BTers, we know this is true, because many of us are just college kids riding bikes, Key Clubbers selling bricks, and elementary school students raising awareness by going a day without school supplies. Through our actions we’ve proven that all those little things compounded can make an incredible difference. It’s not about who can give the most individually, but about how we can encourage a group of people to donate their time, talent and resources – whatever they can – to a cause. It’s about students for students, and working together with our peers around the world to inspire hope and make a change.

While One Day’s Wages recognizes the power of a working person giving up their salary for a day, Building Tomorrow hopes to inspire young people to consider what they can donate. For that reason, we would like to encourage you to make a donation equal to the cost of a single day at school. Every donation counts, and will take us one step closer to ensuring that one day every child in our world will have a safe, accessible school to attend and a tomorrow they can depend on.

Like our student fundraisers, 100% of donations through One Day’s Wages go directly towards the construction of a new BT Academy in Uganda. From the day that school opens, it will give 325 real children the chance to learn in a classroom and will benefit a community for generations to come.

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