On behalf of the growing team at Building Tomorrow, we are thrilled to share with you our 2012 year in review! In many ways, 2012 brought truly transformative change to Building Tomorrow, from reimagining our model on the ground to welcoming President Clinton to Gita, Uganda, we had a jam-packed year and are incredibly grateful for the support that made for such a successful year.
Our work, of course, is far from complete. Much of our focus of the last year was to invest in the human capital of our organization in order to well position Building Tomorrow for sustained growth in the years ahead. Multiple gifts to Building Tomorrow in 2012 helped enable this and we’re very much excited to be on the path we’re now on.
We invite you to visit the 2012: A Year in Review webpage and read along for our highlights from campus chapters to classrooms in rural Uganda – and know how instrumental your continued support is in the life of Building Tomorrow!
– George
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