Chief Dreamer Check-In


BT Fellow Stephen Katende

Typically, my visits to see our team in the field provide ample material on which to reflect and share with you. My most recent trip was certainly no different. From the Fellows we shadowed to the existing schools we visited, the stories abound.

We’re often asked what success looks like. Of course the answer is a long one—there are metrics, targets, goals, anecdotes and more. But I believe one of the most powerful measures of success can be the spotlight shining on one of tomorrow’s leaders, and the light is mighty bright these days.

Stephen Katende, a member of the first cohort of Building Tomorrow Fellows, was recently selected as one of two young Ugandans to travel to the World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington DC this April based on a blog he wrote detailing his work as a Building Tomorrow Fellow. In a country where the primary school drop out rate is approximately 71%, our Fellows have their hands full in ensuring children enroll, and stay enrolled in school.

In lieu of more from me, I hope you’ll read Stephen’s take on the monumental task he and now 19 other Fellows all throughout Uganda are knee-deep in trying to understand and slowly solve:

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