Meet Akim and Fred!

Before the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered schools across Uganda, 11-year-old Akim and nine-year-old Fred were enrolled as 3rd graders at the Building Tomorrow Primary School of Mayira, located in the Lwengo District in Central Uganda.
These brothers loved going to school and learning how to read, but when schools closed in March, they suddenly found themselves with no way to continue their formal education.
Thankfully, their father, Sendilakila, is a Community Education Volunteer in the village of Mayira and recognizes the importance of serving as a lasting voice for quality education for children in his community. Sendilakila was well-prepared to help his sons continue learning during the out-of-school period by enrolling them in Roots to Rise, Building Tomorrow’s distance learning program.
Building Tomorrow Fellow Janet Kyokusiima has delivered literacy lessons to Akim and Fred by phone for months and has tracked their progress through activities like mind mapping, storytelling, and picture reading; both boys continue to show great improvement! Akim and Fred are actively supported by both of their parents and Building Tomorrow Fellow Janet during their learning sessions, which is preparing them for success when they are finally able to return to school.
We’re so thankful for all of the Building Tomorrow Fellows, Community Education Volunteers, and parents/caretakers who are making education accessible for children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we are building back better & stronger!
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