If you’re at a Building Tomorrow site, amazzi is a vital ingredient. Not only must jerrycan after jerrycan be filled of it to mix with cement, spray on drying bricks and feed new seedlings—its the one provision that will ensure volunteers, workers and even future students come ready each morning to build their own tomorrow.
It is well documented that the provision of water is one of the most important keys to ensuring consistent attendance of primary-level students. In fact, the World Bank estimates that attendance improves by more than 10 percentage points if students have access to water at school. That’s just part of the reason we at Building Tomorrow will complete installation of a rainwater collection system at every open Building Tomorrow academy.
Not only will students have access to water for consumption, but they’ll also have a reserve supply to be used for the watering of their own gardens. Some of our students already grow between 30-40% of the food they consume for lunch, and our hope is to dramatically increase that figure at every Building Tomorrow academy in the years to come.
Though our work is primarily focused on creating a safe, permanent space for children to receive an education, we’re firm believers that amazzi is indeed an integral part of that equation.
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