News from Furman University, Greenville, SC


Our chapter of BT at Furman University has just gotten started. I first heard about Building Tomorrow when George came to speak at Furman. I was so inspired by his mission and his passion that I knew we had to start a chapter. After talking with a few friends, it was a done deal. We filled out the paperwork to start an on-campus organization and made our case to receive some funding. It has been so inspiring to work side by side with peers who are all so passionate about spreading education.

We chartered the organization at the end of the school year and started to make plans for our second fundraiser, Bike to Uganda! Just before school was out, we sponsored a OneBrick campaign where we charged our peers to cover the face of our school’s Bell Tower with paper bricks. The idea was to make our campus aware of BT’s mission and our purpose at Furman. It was a success!

Now in our planning stages for Bike to Uganda, we are beginning to realize what a huge production it is going to be! But our chapter is incredible and will do so great! We have some really creative thinkers who are so outside the box that it’s going to be a wonderful challenge to bring their ideas to life. My favorite publicity stunt: we are all going to wear our bike helmets on campus for the whole week! I think it’s going to be a great way to get noticed and spread the word.

Our campus was lucky enough to host Joseph on his tour through the States, and we enjoyed his perspective on what is going on in Uganda. It was so reassuring to hear from him exactly what we were doing. I hope I will have the chance to be in Uganda for the groundbreaking of our school.

The BT organization will be a part of my life forever; I am so happy to be a part of such a wonderful mission now!

Anna Sheppard
Furman University

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