Looking for an internship?


Are you outgoing?
A go-getter?
A problem solver?
A think-on-your feet, up-to-the-challenge kind of person?

More importantly, do you believe in the power of education and the ability of young people to change the world?

If you answered yes, keep reading. We’ve got an internship just for you.

This summer (yep, 2013 – we’re getting a head start this year), Building Tomorrow has four internship openings in Indianapolis and we’re looking for students all over the US to join our team. Specifically, those with experience and interest in fundraising, outreach, social media and video editing. Here’s the scoop (click here for details):

  • outreach intern expand BT’s student network, promote BT’s campaigns & coordinate events across the country
  • fundraising intern organize local fundraisers for 20-something and young professionals throughout Indy
  • social media intern generate buzz online about BT and its campaigns and manage our social networks
  • digital media intern creating & disseminating BT videos to tell the story of what we do, both in the US and Uganda

In the words of Blake Sinyard, one of our interns last summer and current student at the University of Virginia,

It’s not about what I am doing to “help kids in Africa.” It’s about recognizing how I can be useful to someone else, and how what I have access to can be better invested somewhere else. It’s about tapping into the joy that Wilson has given me, and then paying it forward. As a college student, I have access to power in numbers, as well as the chance to be a part of an effort that contributes to the increase of something as vital as education. This is what Building Tomorrow is.

So take a look, contact us with questions (317-632-3545) and apply by January 31st. We can’t wait to work with you!
-the BT team

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