‘Tis the season to empower students


Handbag Making at Walungu PS

When Building Tomorrow Fellow Sharon Nakyazze first came to Walukunyu Primary School, she found a high rate of absenteeism among girls, since many could not afford scholastic materials or menstrual hygiene products. Sharon realized the most sustainable solution would involve empowering girls to overcome these barriers themselves. She began by training girls to sew their own reusable menstrual pads so they no longer had to miss several days of school every month. She also taught them to knit, and within no time, the girls were able to make their own sweaters, scarves, and bags for carrying their books. Some girls like Rachel*, pictured above, became so skilled that they started selling crafts within their community in order to buy scholastic materials.

Every day, Fellows like Sharon are empowering students (especially girls), schools, and communities to take initiative and overcome the barriers to education. For just $100, you can provide a Building Tomorrow Fellow with training on girls’ educational empowerment. By supporting these trainings, you will be giving the gift of education to young girls in rural Uganda–what we consider to be the Best Gift. Ever.

Donate the Best Gift. Ever.

Check out our Gift Catalog at buildingtomorrow.org/holidays and see all the items on our wish list this year. This holiday season, we hope you will join Building Tomorrow in providing students in rural Uganda with the Best Gift. Ever.

PS. Want to give the gift of a girls’ empowerment training throughout the year? Make your gift a monthly donation, by clicking “recurring gift” at checkout!

*Name changed to preserve anonymity.

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