Join James on #GivingTuesday


James & his students

For #GivingTuesday, we’d like to celebrate the generosity of an outstanding Building Tomorrow community ambassador named James, pictured above with children he enrolled back into school. Some of these children dropped out due to a lack of parental support, while others had never attended school in the first place. James helped them by generously providing scholastic materials such as notebooks and backpacks, which enabled them to come back to school. Altogether, James has enrolled 96 students at the Building Tomorrow School of Kisaluwoko!

Today, on #GivingTuesday, we celebrate the generosity of hundreds of Building Tomorrow community ambassadors like James. We hope you will join James in giving the gift of education for children in rural Uganda—what we consider to be the Best Gift. Ever.

Donate the Best Gift. Ever.

Check out our Gift Catalog at and see all the items on our wish list this year. For just $50, you can give the gift of education by enrolling an out-of-school child back in school, just like James.

We hope we can count on your support this #GivingTuesday!

Happy holidays,

The Building Tomorrow Team

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